Thank you for visiting my store of designer toys and jewelry made of wool Kazabe.Toys!

My name is Ekaterina KaZaBe and I create cartoon characters and animals from wool using dry felting technique. You might wonder why? I'd say my works are inspired by childhood, when the whole world is open to us, when it gives us nothing but warmth, joy and smiles!
I've been creating custom-made toys, brooches, pendants since 2014, and each toy has its own story (more about this in the Benefits section).
My works are made in dry felting technique using felting needle. Some elements also made in “wet”, with soap and special mat.
In 2017 I have been a finalist of the contest “Craftsman of the Year” in Saratov, Russia. Winner of online competition in felting.
Now I live in Riga, capital of Latvia.
I teach felting online individually, conduct master classes in groups, inspire people creativity.
Upcoming master classes schedule could be found in the Telegram chat and in my Instagram.
Works below are for demonstration purpose. They are not in stock, but you may order the same one.